Sunday, 21 May 2017

The Spokesman Weekly Vol. 34 No. 45 August 12, 1985

The Spokesman Weekly Vol. 34 No. 45 August 12, 1985 issue contains:-

“United” Akali Dal’s Tirade Against Accord Will Generate Bad Blood: Opposition To Its Clauses Totally Puerile
Akalis Must Set Up Committees To Present Punjab’s Case Before Three Commission: Facts And Figures Weigh Heavily In State’s Favour
Time Not Opportune For Elections In Punjab: Precarious Peace Is Most Likely To Be Disturbed
THE SPOEKESMAN WEEKLY 30 YEARS AGO: l0th August 1955, Sikhs And The Congress (Sardar Gian Singh Rarewala’s article)
Carry Colleagues Along
Naturalism and Gurbani by Dr. Wazir Singh
Punjab’s Contribution In The Freedom Struggle by Dr. Kirpal Singh, Punjabi University, Patiala
Dr. Diwan Singh ‘Kalapani’ by N. Iqbal Singh
Thanksgiving by Prof Gopal Singh Puri, Liverpool (U.K)
Misinformation in certain quarters about government’s decision of Jan ’70
A bipartisan government will be the best bet for peace in Punjab
Punjab back on the road to prosperity
Actual culprits always go unpunisbed
Grant them a pardon
An excellent precedent by A.G. Noorani, Bombay
Abuse of privileges by G.S. Chadha, Advocate, New Delhi.
Bombay Singh Sabha Endorses Accord
Adequate Relief to Flood Victims Stressed
Charanjit Singh Receives Award in Rafi’s Memory
Guru Nanak Religious and Endowment Trust
US Sikh Cultural Society Oppose Accord
Indian Immigrants In America: The Asian Indian experience in the United States by Dr Parmatma Saran; reviewed by Suminder Kaur
Penguin Books Turn Fifty
Sleeping Blissfully The Natural Way
Wild Charges Against Two Civil Rights Bodies: Topsy-Turvy View Of Their Role

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