(contd.) : ARTICLE 3 -- (Contd.)
Volume: Volume VII (4th
November 1948 to 8th January 1949)
Date: 18/11/1948
Participants: Shri Lokanath Misra,
Chaudhuri Ranbir Singh, Mr. H. V. Kamath, Mr. R. K. Sidhwa, Dr. B. R. Ambedkar,
Pandit Govind Ballabh Pant, Shri Ghanshyam Singh Gupta, Mr. R. K. Sidhwa, Shri
Purushottam Das Tandon, Pandit Hirday Nath Kunzru, Vice-President (Dr. H. C.
Mukherjee), Shri Shibban Lall Saksena, Mr. Brajeshwar Prasad, Srijut Rohini
Kumar Chaudhury
onstituent Assembly OF INDIA Debates (Proceedings) - Volume
Thursday, the 18th November, 1948
The Constituent Assembly of India met in the Constitution Hall, New Delhi, at
Ten of the Clock, Mr. Vice-President (Dr. H. C. Mookherjee ) in the Chair.
Taking the Pledge and Signing the
The following Members took the Pledge and signed the Register:
Dr. Jivraj Narayan Mehta (Baroda);
Shri Chimanlal Chakkubhai Shah, United States of Kathiawar (Saurashtra).
Article 3 - (contd.)
Shri Lokanath Misra ( Orissa: General): Sir, before we resume the
discussion, I would like to raise a fundamental point of order. It refers to
the rights and privileges of Members of this House. With all respect to you,
may I beg to submit that by your not allowing me to move my amendment
yesterday, I feel that I have been deprived of my rights in moving that
amendment which, as a member, I always have consulted the Rules and I see that
there is no provision any where which can disentitle me from moving that
amendment. You had been pleased to disallow that amendment on the ground that
my amendment was the same as the amendment moved by Professor K. T. Shah. I do
not see how these two amendments can be the same. Professor Shah’s amendment is
economic while my amendment is political. He anticipates 10 years ahead, my
proposition has immediate application, valid and enforceable here now. He wants
to break up the ‘States’, I want to keep the States, describe them completely.
Mine is based on the sovereignty of the people which is inherent in them, and
not a proviso. Again these two amendments are so very different in the sense
Mr. Vice-President (Dr. H. C. Mookherjee): Is it necessary for you to go
into all those arguments?
Shri Lokanath Misra: The number of my amendment is 85,while the number of
Professor Shah’s amendment is 129.
Mr. Vice-President: This point of order was raised and a decision was
given. It is unfortunate that my position compels me to arrive at certain
decisions. That particular decision was given and I am not prepared to revise
Shri Lokanath Misra: The point is what is the remedy in such cases?
Honourable Members: Order, order.
Mr. Vice-President: Kindly take your seat and oblige me.
Chaudhari Ranbir Singh (East Punjab: General): *[Mr. Vice-President, I
pointed out yesterday that according to his amendment a minority, whether based
on religion or caste, which is not in majority in any State or any are a
thereof might undoubtedly secure such alteration in the boundaries of a State
as it chooses through the President or the Government of India. But I am afraid
the amendment would reduce the chance of success of any community which is in
majority in any area but happens to be in minority in that State and I am
afraid it would also reduce the importance of their demand and narrow the opportunity
of their having a say in the matter. I hold so because, according to this
amendment, the matter would be referred to the State Legislature for
consideration and as the people of that are a would be in minority in the State
although they may be in majority in their own area, it would naturally be
recorded that only a few members of the State Legislature desired a change in
the boundary of the State. The provision as it stands in the draft lays down
that if the majority of the people in any area demand that their area be joined
to any other State or to a new State, their demand can be taken into
consideration but under this amendment, I am afraid their demand would lose
some of its weight, and particularly this would be the case of the people of such
areas as have no leader of their own, no press of their own and no other means
to make their voice heard. We may take U. P. as a case in instance. When in the
last session, the constitution was being discussed, it became quite clear from
the discussion held in the Party that U. P. people realise that their province
is rather too big. At that time the U. P. people had expressed a fear that
their Legislature would be unmanageable as it would have 600 members, if
like other provinces, each lakh of the population sent one member to it. While
legal and administrative difficulties of this nature are recognised, even then
it is said that no area should be given to the province of Delhi or Haryana.
Though the people of this area wanted that their region should be jointed to
Delhi or Haryana yet nothing happened as they had no leader of their own nor
any Press of their own. The loyalty of those people of U. P. who had made this
demand, was doubted and their voice was stifled to an extent beyond
description. A ban was laid on them by the Provincial Congress Committee not to
make such a demand, and they were asked not to raise any voice for any
alteration in the boundaries of the province.
Therefore, I am afraid, Sir, this amendment will prevent any action for achieving
their union on the part of those people and areas that have the same culture,
the same language and the same way of life, and whose union is advantageous to
the country from legal, administrative and other points of view. I may repeat,
Sir, what Shri Thakurdas Bhargava stated yesterday that when a demand was made
for forming Haryana into a Province the loyalty of some of those who made this
demand was suspected and it was alleged against them that they wanted to form a
separate province of Jats. But the truth is that if Haryana had been formed
into a Province - and I may point in this connection that under the British
regime, when the Round Table Conference was being held, there was the Corbett
Scheme for the formation of a new province of Haryana which fell through for
want of a spokesman of Haryana while today its formation is being opposed on
the alleged ground that the Jats are seeking to have a separate Province of
their own - so as I was going to say, the fact would have been that the Jats would
be a minority there and even if each community was taken singly into account
the Jat community would not be in majority in comparison to the others. If
there be any community which has a large population it is that of Harijans -
Chamars. So if this province is to be formed at all it would be a province of
Chamars. But since they have no Press of their own, they cannot give voice to
their demand.
I no doubt support the amendment but at the same time I want that it should be
changed so as to include without any doubt the provision that when the Centre
consults the provincial legislature the opinion of the majority of the
representatives of the territory, which wants to separate itself and join
another province, should also be on record and that their recorded opinion
should appear before the Central Assembly so that it may know what that
particular territory desires.]*
Shri H. V. Kamath (C. P. and Berar: General): Mr. Vice-President, Sir, I
hope that the former Indian States will not derive undue encouragement from the
doctrine of sovereignty which my honourable friend, Dr. Ambedkar, propounded
yesterday. I do not know whether he meant that their status is something like Imperium
in Imperio. I think it is a dangerous doctrine to propound at this time of
the day. If we turn to Part III of the First Schedule, we will find there are
two divisions in this Part, Division A and Division B. Many of these States
have already merged themselves in the adjacent Indian Provinces. Some have
integrated among themselves and formed bigger unions and some are still single
States. In terms of the amendment moved by my honourable friend, Dr. Ambedkar,
sub-clause (b) of the proposed amendment lays down that where such a proposal
affects the boundaries or the name of any State or States for the time being
specified in Part III of the First Schedule, it means to say that it refers to
all States mentioned in Part III of the First Schedule whether they are single
States, whether they are integrated States or whether they are merged States. I
wonder whether for little principalities which have merged themselves in the
provinces, whether for these States too this doctrine of sovereignty will be
extended and whether for the unions of these States the consent of each of the
States will have to be obtained. Apart from that, whether the single States
should be regarded as sovereign in this regard is to be considered. I can
understand if Dr. Ambedkar says that in terms of the Instrument of Accession of
these States to the Union of India, so far as this matter is concerned, you
will have to obtain their consent, but I trust, Sir, that within the next two
or three months at the end of which we will adopt this Constitution, by that
time, the hope that Dr. Ambedkar expressed in his speech on the motion for the
consideration of the Draft Constitution, that the States will fall in line with
the provinces in all respects, will be realized; and I have no doubt that the
strenuous efforts of Sardar Patel in this regard will bear fruit, and that by
the time we adopt this Constitution, there will be no distinction, the
amendment of my honourable friend, Pandit Kunzru has come force. If this equal
status of the various provinces and States does not come about by the time the
Constitution is adopted, then we have got to think why we should attach undue
importance to the so-called sovereignty of the States; if at all, it is a
nominal sovereignty that the rulers of the States have got in this regard. I am
inclined to agree, therefore, with Pandit Kunzru’s argument that if the States
do become equal in status to the provinces, even then we should not go beyond
obtaining the views of the rulers of the States or the legislatures of the
States, whatever the case may be. It is understood when we obtain the views of
the rulers of the States, or the Rajpramukhs or the legislatures of the States,
if their views are in conflict, with the proposal, then that proposal will not
come up. So also if the provinces are consulted and if their views are against
such a proposal, then that proposal will not be made in the Union Parliament.
So, I do not understand why this distinction should be made at all. If you
consult a certain authority or a certain Government, it means that if that
Government is opposed to the proposal, that proposal will not be made in the
Union Parliament. Therefore, it is desirable, that at this time, when Sardar
Patel has been telling us for the last so many months that we will abolish all
distinctions between the provinces and States and that the provinces shall be
brought into line with the States, if you want merely to consult the provinces,
just consult the States also, and if you want to get the consent of the States,
certainly get the consent of the Provincial Governments also.
Lastly, Sir I would request Dr. Ambedkar to consider this matter from this
aspect, namely, in view of the hope expressed in his first speech in the
Assembly that the States should be brought into line with the provinces at the
earliest possible date and considering the several articles in the Constitution
which Pandit Kunzru pointed out yesterday, seeking to abolish such
distinctions, whether in this regard also this distinction should not be
abolished. I hope, Sir, that at a very early date, we shall administer the coup
de grace, put an end to the doctrine of sovereignty which has been
propounded for the States, so far as this matter is concerned.
Shri R. K. Sidhwa (C. P. & Berar: General): Mr. Vice-President, Sir,
several members have stated that this amendment deprives the right of a member
to move a Bill to the effect mentioned in this amendment. I am rather surprised
at the argument advanced by certain members to this effect. Sir, I yield to
none in my desire to protect the privileges and rights of members to move
motions or Bills in a legislature. But, while the amendment of Dr. Ambedkar
says that the consent of the President should be obtained, it should not be
understood that it deprives the member of any right. By way of an illustration,
I would say, that every citizen has a right to walk on the highway. Any person
can walk as he likes. But, when he walks, he has to be governed by certain
elementary rules, so that he may not cause obstruction in the road, or cause
accidents or death to others. If a man has to drive a motor car or a vehicle,
he has to obtain a license. He is governed by certain elementary rules; if the
elementary rules are not followed, there will be chaos. To state that the
rights of members have been deprived by this motion of Dr. Ambedkar is incorrect.
On the contrary, nowhere is it stated that no member can bring forward a Bill.
This is a very important measure and therefore it has been stated that the
President should be consulted and his recommendation taken. This is to the
benefit and advantage of those who get the opinion of the President, which
would mean, the Government of India. They would be armed with very great
strength behind them in moving such a proposition.
It has been argued by my honourable friend Mr. Bhargava, yesterday that some of
the minor provinces which would like to cut off from the major provinces, would
have no right to do so under this amendment. I said yesterday and I repeat
today that if a majority does not want a particular territory to be divided, it
would be unfair for a minority to encroach upon the rights of the majority. If
you want the majority to be ruled over by the minority, then it is autocracy;
democracy means rule of the majority. I therefore contend that the amendment
that has been proposed is very salutary. It does not deprive any member of his
right; on the contrary, I feel that when the recommendation of the President is
taken on an important measure like this, his case is greatly strengthened.
Sir, only one point about Pandit Kunzru’s amendment. I am really unable to
understand why a difference has been made between the States in Part I of the
First Schedule, that is provinces, and the States in Part III of the First
Schedule. In one case it is stated that the views of the legislature should be
obtained and in the other case, i.e., the States, he has stated that the
previous consent should be obtained. View means “observations”, consent means “unanimity
and decision on a matter.” You are aware, Sir, that this Constitution was sent
to various provinces and the various provinces discussed them in their
legislatures and their views have been sent to this House and we have been
supplied with copies. That is the right course. No decision has been taken in
any legislature. The legislatures in Bihar, Bengal, Bombay, all have discussed
the matter and copies of the printed proceedings have been supplied to us. But,
consent means consent of the State. I do not agree with those who say that
consent means the consent of the State. I do not agree with those who say that
consent means the consent of the Ruler. Consent means consent of the
legislature of the State. State does not mean the Ruler. Just as the President
does not mean himself personally, but the Government of India, if the Ruler
gives consent, he has to take the consent of the legislature of the State. I
want to know why in the case of the States, it is stated that consent should be
obtained, and I would like Dr. Ambedkar to enlighten the House as to why this
difference has been made between States and Provinces. I feel that in the case
of the states, it is very necessary that their views should be obtained rather
than consent. I therefore, think, that unless there are valid reasons, - the
valid reasons, may be that the Ruler has to be consulted, the States having
come into the Union by compromise - no impediment could exist or no compromise
question arises. The rights of the people of the States are identical with the
rights of the people of the provinces. The zeal of the people of the States is
so great that they want to come into the Union straight away and merge with the
various provinces. As we are told that without consent or compromise it is not
desirable, we yield to that. But, we expect that on the question of obtaining
their opinion, a similar procedure should prevail as in the case of the
With these observations, I support the amendment strongly and I hope Dr.
Ambedkar will clear the point why a differentiation has been made in the case
of the States, why he has stated that the views of the legislature should be
ascertained in the case of the provinces, whereas in the case of the States he
has stated that their previous consent should be obtained.
Mr. Vice-President: Dr. Ambedkar.
An Honourable Member: The question be now put, Sir.
Maulana Hasrat Mohani (United Provinces: Muslim): Sir, I rise to a point of
order. Dr. Ambedkar has only moved an amendment and therefore, I submit, he has
not got any right of reply. I have got a ruling of this House in which it is
said definitely.....
Shri R. K. Sidhwa: I understand the whole article is under discussion. If
the article is under discussion, Dr. Ambedkar has a right of reply.
Maulana Hasrat Mohani: Dr. Ambedkar has already spoken; he has no right to
make any further speech.
Mr. Vice-President: Please address the Chair.
Maulana Hasrat Mohani: Sir, I beg to point out that the Ruling says - I am
quoting from the printed proceedings of this House - the mover of an amendment
has no right of reply. He cannot make a second speech.
Mr. Vice-President: I hold that the Article as well as the amendment are
under discussion. Dr. Ambedkar.
The Honourable Shri Ghanshyam Singh Gupta (C. P. & Berar: General):
Sir, the mover has a right of reply.
Mr. Vice-President: That makes my position stronger.
The Honourable Shri Ghanshyam Singh Gupta: What I mean to say, Sir, is
this. There are two sets of rules, one, rules of procedure on the legislative
side and the second, rules of procedure on the constitutional side. The rules
of procedure on the legislative side do say that the mover of an amendment
shall have no right to reply. That rule has been purposely omitted in the rules
of procedure on our constitutional side. Therefore, I submit that every mover of
an amendment has got a right of reply.
Mr. Vice-President: You do not object to Dr. Ambedkar replying?
The Honourable Shri Ghanshyam Singh Gupta: Not only do I not object, but I
want to establish this practice that the mover of an amendment has a right of
reply, because our rules differ widely from the rules that have been framed for
the legislative side.
Mr. Vice-President: We shall decide that later on after Dr. Ambedkar has
made his reply.
Shri Lakshminarayan Sahu: (Orissa: General): Sir, there is an amendment in
my name.
Mr. Vice-President: Kindly take your seat, Mr. Sahu, Dr. Ambedkar.
The Honourable Dr. B. R. Ambedkar (Bombay: General): The amendment moved
by my friend Mr. Kunzru is an amendment which carries a great deal of my
sympathy but unfortunately in the circumstances in which we stand, I am not in
a position to accept the same. The arguments urged by my friend in supporting
his amendment was that when I had stated originally in moving my amendment was
inconsistent with some of the other clauses or articles contained in the
Constitution. He said that the plea I had urged in justification of the
distinction between the provinces and the States in the matter of the
provisions contained in Article 3 was inconsistent with Articles 226, 230 and
294. Now my submission is this that there is no inconsistency whatever in the
plea I have urged in supporting a distinction between the provinces and the
States and the various articles to which he has made reference.
With regard to Article 226 which gives power to the Central Legislature to pass
legislation on matters included in Provincial list, my submission is this that
that authority will be exercised by Parliament by virtue of a Resolution passed
by two-third majority of the Upper legislature. He will realize that the Upper
House or Council of States will include representatives of the States as much
as the representatives of the Provinces. They will undoubtedly participate in
the proceedings of that particular Resolution which seeks to confer power upon
Parliament to legislate on the matters included in that Resolution.
Consequently it is hardly fair to say that Article 226 automatically usurps the
sovereignty of the Indian States. It is really a measure which confers sovereignty
by a special resolution passed by the Upper Chamber in which the States are
fully represented. That is therefore no illustration of inconsistency at all.
With regard to Article 230, my submission is also the same. My learned friend
will remember that the Indian States apart from what they do after the
Constitution is passed have at any rate for the present, acceded on the basis
of three subjects and one of the subjects is Foreign Affairs. Obviously
implementation of the treaty is nothing but an exercise of the power conferred
upon the Central Parliament for implementation of the treaty which is the
subject matter covered by Foreign Affairs. Therefore that again cannot be said
to be an usurpation of their sovereignty rights.
With regard to Article 294 which deals with the extension of the provisions of
the protection of minorities in Indian States, that undoubtedly may appear for
the moment to be a sort of encroachment of their sovereignty but it is nothing
of the kind. It is merely one of the proposals which we shall be making to the
Indian States that when they seek admission to the Indian Union they will have
to accept Article 294. I might say that this extension was made by the Drafting
Committee because the Drafting Committee heard that the Constituent Assemblies
of some of the Indian States were making provisions in this regard so diverse
and so alarming that the Drafting Committee thought it best to lay down what
sort of arrangements for minority protection the Union Government will accept
and what it will not accept.
Now, Sir, with regard to this question of differentiation between the Indian
States and the Provinces of British India a great lot has been said, and I
quite realise that the House is terribly excited over the distinction that the
Constitution seeks to make but I should like to tell the House two things. One
is this that we are at the present moment bound by the terms of agreement
arrived at between the two Negotiating Committees, one appointed by the Indian
Constituent Assembly representing the British provinces and the other of
representatives nominated by the Indian States for the purpose of arriving at
certain basis for drafting a common constitution which would cover both parts.
Now I do not wish to go into the details of the reports made by the Negotiating
Committees but if my honourable Friend Pandit Kunzru would refresh his mind by
going over the report of that committee, he will find that here is a distinct
provision that nothing in the Negotiating Committee report will be understood
to permit the Indian Union to encroach upon the territories of the Indian
States. My submission is, if that is an understanding - I do not mean to say a
contract or agreement arrived at between the two parties, at this stage we
would do well in respecting that understanding. I would like to point out
another thing, - another article in the Constitution to which I am sorry to say
my friend Mr. Kunzru has made no reference - that is Article 212 which is a
very important article, and I should like to explain what exactly are the
possibilities provided by the Indian Draft Constitution with regard to the
Indian States. Honourable members must have seen that Article 3 provides for
the admission of the Indian States on the basis of such Instrument of Accession
as may be executed by the Indian States in favour of the Indian Union. When a
State as such is coming into the Indian Union, its position vis-à-vis
the Central Government and vis-à-vis the provinces would and must be
regulated by the terms contained in the Instrument of Accession but the
Instrument of Accession is not the only method of bringing the Indian States
into the Indian Constitution. There is another and a very important article in
the Constitution which is 212. 212 provides that any Ruler of an Indian State
may transfer the whole of his sovereignty to the Indian Union with respect to
his particular State. When the whole of the sovereignty is transferred under
the provisions of 212, the territory of that particular ruler becomes so to say
the territory of India, with complete sovereignty vested in the Indian Union.
Power is then given under Article 212 so that that particular territory the
sovereignty over which has been fully transferred by the ruler to the Indian
Union can then be governed as a province of India in which case Part II of the
Constitution which defines the Constitution of the Indian provinces will
automatically apply to that Indian State or it may be administered as a
Centrally Administered area; so that the President and the Central Parliament
will have the fullest authority to devise any form of administration for that
particular territory. Consequently my submission to the House is that there is
no necessity - if I may use an expression - to be hysterical over this subject.
If we have a little patience I have not the least doubt about it that our
Minister for the Indian States, who has done so much to reduce the chaos that
existed before we started on the making of our Constitution, will exercise the de
facto of paramountcy which the Union Government has obtained and reduce the
chaos further and bring about an order either by inducing the Indian States to
accept the same provisions which we have applied to Indian States or to follow
the provision of section 212 and surrender to us complete sovereignty so that
the Indian Union may be able to deal with the Indian States in the same way in
which it is able to deal with the provinces.
For the present I submit we shall be acting wisely by respecting the agreement
which has been arrived at by the two Negotiating Committees and following it up
until by further agreement we are in a position to change the basis rather with
goodwill, peace and honour to both sides Sir, I oppose the amendment. (Cheers).
Mr. Vice-President: I shall now put Amendment No. 150, as modified by the
amendment of Pandit H. N. Kunzru to vote. (Interruptions). Kindly permit
me to conduct the proceedings in the manner I wish it to be conducted.
The Honourable Pandit Govind Ballabh Pant (United Provinces: General): Sir, I do
not know how you are putting the amendment as modified by the amendment of
Pandit Kunzru to the vote of the House I think, first of all you might put the
amendment proposed by Pandit Kunzru to vote, and then take the other amendment;
to take it up at the outset and combine the two will not be quite in the proper
Mr. Vice-President: Please come to the mike.
The Honourable Pandit Govind Ballabh Pant: My submission is this. This
amendment of Dr. Amedkar as modified by the amendment of Dr. Kunzru is being
put to vote, and that is exactly what I wish you not to do. I suggest that you
might be pleased to put to vote first the amendment of Dr. Kunzru. If it is
accpted ,then you have to put the modified amendment to vote. If it is
rejected, then you have to put the original amendment of Dr. Ambedkar to vote.
To combine the two together will be to create some confusion.
Shri H. V. Kamath: What about amendment No. 149 of Prof. K. T. Shah?
Mr. Vice-President: If the amendment of Dr. Ambedkar is carried that will
automatically rule out the amendment of Prof. K. T. Shah. That is why I am
taking Dr. Ambedkar’s amendment, that being the easier course No. 149 seeks for
complete substitution.
We shall then first of all vote on the amendment of Pandit Kunzru.
The Honourable Shri Ghanshyam Singh Gupta : Sir, I should like to submit an
important point. I think the Honourable Pandit Kunzru has got the right to
reply. The ordinary rule is that one who initiates a debate has the right to
reply, if it is not curtailed. The Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business
of this House on the legislative side, Rule 111 says that.........
Mr. Vice-President: Does that rule apply here?
The Honourable Shri Ghanshyam Singh Gupta: No, because we have not got
any corresponding rule, and the reason is obvious. Here we are dealing with a
very important matter in which the mover of an amendment who really brings a
substantial proposition before the House may have to say much, after he hears
the debate in the House. Therefore, the very fact that in our Rules of
Procedure there is no rule corresponding to Rule No. 111 shows very clearly
that the mover of the amendment to the Constitution has the right to reply. And
that is but natural, because the matter being of very vital importance, the
ordinary rules of debate must govern our procedure also. That is my submission.
Shri R. K. Sidhwa : Sir, I feel that the Honourable Pandit Kunzru has no
right of reply in connection with his amendment. My reason is that the rule
which has been pointed out by my friend Shri Ghanshyam Singh Gupta says that
the mover of an amendment has no right of reply. He argues that in our Assembly
there is no rule, and so we have to say that the mover has the right to reply.
On the contrary, I have not heard in any important legislature or assembly such
a right given. When there is no rule for this Assembly, then the rules of the
Constituent Assembly (Legislative) should prevail, that being the highest body
in our country for legislative purposes. We in this Assembly have no rules to
this effect. Therefore, the second highest, i.e., the Legislative
Assembly rules should prevail. I feel that this is a very important matter. We
must be governed by certain rules. I have not heard of any important
legislature or other body or even local bodies where the mover of an amendment
has been given the right to reply. I submit, therefore, that the contention and
the argument advanced by Mr. Gupta, do not hold water, for the simple reason
that we are governed by another and a parallel body which says the mover has no
right of reply.
The Honourable Shri Purushottam Das Tandon (United Provinces: General):
Sir, my friend Mr. Sidhwa has been too bold. He has touched a subject of which,
you will permit me to say, he has not full knowledge. He has said he does not
know of any important legislature which gives the mover of an amendment the
right to reply. I submit, Sir, the United Provinces is a sufficiently important
province in the country, and I can tell you, that the Legislative Assembly of
the United Provinces has a definite and specific rule to the effect that the
mover of an amendment has the right of reply. (Hear, hear). This is in
regard to bills. The mover of an amendment to a clause in a Bill has the right
to reply. Of course, the Minister in charge of the Bill has always the last
word. But that is a different matter. The point is that the mover of an
amendment to a clause in a bill has been given the right to reply.
I submit here we are dealing with an important matter, as a friend has rightly
pointed out. I feel that it would be very proper that the mover of an amendment
be given the right to reply to the animadversions that are made on a matter
that he has brought before the House. If you choose, you can permit the
Minister in charge to have the last word. But I do submit that the mover of the
amendment may be permitted to reply to the criticisms that are made against the
views that he puts forward.
Shri R. K. Sidhwa: How many provincial legislatures have such a rule?
Hirday Nath Kunzru (United Provinces: General ):Mr. Vice-President, may I
make my point a little clearer so that there may be no misunderstanding about
it. The Draft Constitution was placed in our hands some time ago. There is a
provision in it relating to the redistribution of the territories of States of
various kinds. Dr. Ambedkar did not place before the House the provision
contained in the Draft Constitution. The proposition to which he invited our
attention was an amendment of the original provision, and in moving his
proposition he spoke not merely on the merits of his proposal but also on the
original proposition contained in the Draft Constitution. It cannot therefore
be said that in speaking for the second time he was dealing with something that
he had not spoken on originally. He had, it seemed to me, exhausted his right
to speak. Nevertheless, he was allowed to reply to the observations made by the
other members. I was personally very glad to hear him though I do not agree
with all that he said or with much of what he said. But this raises an
important question regarding the rights of the members who move amendments, and
it is this point that I would like to be cleared up. If a Minister who moves an
amendment has the right to reply, may not another member of the House have the
same right in similar circumstances?
Shri Ghanshyam Singh Gupta: On a point of order....
Mr. Vice-President: I am going to give my ruling. Under the Rules of the
House I am not aware that there is any thing which gives a right to the mover
of an amendment to give a reply. If I asked Dr. Ambedkar to give a reply it was
because he was asked certain questions and I thought it right and proper and
fair that he should be given an opportunity of explaining his position. That is
my ruling.
Now I shall put Pandit Kunzru’s amendment to the vote.
The question is:
“That in amendment No. 150 of the List of Amendments, in clause (b) of the
proviso to article 3, for the words ‘the previous consent’ the words `the views’
and for the words `has been’ the words `have been’ be substituted respectively.”
The motion was negatived.
Mr. Vice-President : The question is:
“That for the existing proviso to article 3, the following proviso be
substituted: -
‘Provided that no Bill for the purpose shall be introduced in either House of
Parliament except on the recommendation of the President and unless--
where the proposal contained in the Bill affects the boundaries or name of any
State or States for the time being specified in Part I of the First Schedule,
the views of the Legislature of the State, or as the case may be, of each of
the States both with respect to the proposal to introduce the Bill and with
respect to the provisions thereof have been ascertained by the President; and
where such proposal affects the boundaries or name of any State or States for
the time being specified in Part III of the First Schedule, the previous
consent of the State, or as the case maybe, of each of the States to the
proposal has been obtained’.”
The motion was adopted.
Mr. Vice-President: It seems to me that the amendment of Prof. K. T. Shah,
as well as the next set of amendments up to No. 175 fall through after the
acceptance of Dr. Ambedkar’s amendment. Then we may pass on to No. 176.
Shri Lakshminarayan Sahu: I would like to move amendment No. 154 which
is in may name.
Mr. Vice-President: That is an amendment for substitution to an article
which has been dropped altogether. Therefore it cannot be discussed here.
(Amendment No. 176 was not moved.)
We have here an amendment No. 176 (a) from Begum Aizaz Rasul. That is concerned
with the National Language. Like others it may be postponed to the proper
That finishes Article 3. Is there anyone who wishes to discuss the Article as a
Pandit Lakshmi Kanta Maitra (West Bengal: General): What will be the
position if the honourable member is allowed to speak on the Article as a
whole? Will Dr. Ambedkar be called upon to reply to that again?
Mr. Vice-President: Most certainly not.
Pandit Lakshmi Kanta Maitra: This whole article has not yet been disposed
of and Dr. Ambedkar has so far replied only to the amendment and not to the
whole article.
Mr. Vice-President: We shall listen to the honourable member and if he
traverses old ground, we shall ask him to desist.
Pandit Lakshmi Kanta Maitra: Therefore Dr. Ambedkar is not entitled to
reply as a right?
Mr. Vice-President: No.
Shri M. Ananthasayanam Ayyanar (Madras: General): That is hypothetical. It
does not arise.
Shri Brajeshwar Prasad (Bihar: General): The Article is designed to
serve the following three purposes...
Prof. Shibban Lal Saksena : (United Provinces: General): An important
question of procedure is involved. To this Article there have been tabled a
number of amendments but you allowed two of them or three of them to be moved
and then you took votes upon two of them. There was no chance of moving the
other amendments. I think all the amendments should have been allowed to be
moved and then votes should have been taken. Otherwise other members will have
no occasion to assess them. If they were moved in the House, the House might accepted
some of them.
Mr. Vice-President: What are the amendments which have not been moved?
Prof. Shibban Lal Saksena: All the amendments up to No.174.
Mr. Vice-President: They do not arise. They have been practically rejected
on account of the acceptance of Dr. Ambedkar’s amendment.
Prof. Shibban Lal Saksena: But they should have been allowed to be moved.
Mr. Vice-President: Why did you not point this out at the proper time?
Prof. Shibban Lal Saksena: It may be kept in view in future.
Mr. Vice-President: That point will be kept in mind.
Shri Brajeshwar Prasad : The Article is designed to serve the following
three purposes:
To wipe out the existence of any Province or State;
To strengthen the hands of Sardar Patel;
To create new provinces.
The Article is silent on two fundamental points: viz.,(1) the
constitutional powers of the new States formed under the provisions of this
Article. It has been left to the majority party in the future Parliament of
India to determine by the most convenient process of simple majority whether
the new State thus formed will be placed in Part I, II, or III of the First
Schedule. (2) the conditions under which the Parliament can function under the
provisions of this Article. The Parliament has the legal power to unite or
breaks up States without any rhyme or reason. Its hands have not been fettered
by any conditions under the provisions of this Article.
Let me illustrate my point. If the majority party in power at the Centre takes
into its head to wipe out the Province of Bihar it can easily do so in either
of the following two ways open to it under the provisions of this Article,
Bihar can be divided into parts and the whole territory placed under the direct
jurisdiction and administration of the Government of India. The plain meaning
of the Article is that the Government of India has got the power of placing a
State, put in either Part I or Part III, in Part II of the First Schedule.
Bihar can be merged with Orissa and the new state thus created can be brought
entirely under the direct governance of the central power.
The Government of India must have the power to takeover the administration of a
State into its own hand, if it does not govern well or in accord with spirit of
the Constitution. Similarly it must have the authority to punish a recalcitrant
state which under the stress of centrifugal forces tends to drift away from the
As stated above the second purpose for which the Article has been incorporated
is to strengthen the hands of Sardar Patel. The constitutional position of the
Native States is still in the melting pot.......
Pandit Hirday Nath Kunzru: Indian States and not Native States.
Brajeshwar Prasad: It would be far better to call them Native States than
Indian States. The native state shave always been the weakest link in the chain
of Indian Nationalism. Special care and attention must be bestowed in tackling
these problems. The present craze for constituent assemblies in the native
states must be checked. State armies must be wiped out. The native states must
be brought under the direction, supervision and control of the Ministry of
States and the Government of India. It will be desirable to place them in Part
II of the First Schedule. The line of least desistance was adopted in
amalgamating a large number of states into unions. The formation of these
unions will encourage fissiparous tendencies. It lies within the power of
Sardar Patel to bring all these territories under the direct government of the
central authority. To obviate the danger of any misconception in the minds of
the state people that we are tending towards absolutism and despotism I suggest
the appointment of a Deputy Minister of States from the ranks of those who are
representing the states people in this Constituent Assembly.
The third purpose for which this Article has been conceived is to make some
room for those who are the great champions of Linguistic Provinces. I am
opposed to this Article to the extent it tends to serve this purpose.
A great fuss is being made that it is undemocratic to oppose the cherished
ambitions, hopes and aspirations of a considerable section of the community.
But a thing must be intrinsically sound to carry weight. No standard of sound
democracy can justify the great wrong that has been done to this country by the
tragic partition of August 15,1947...........
Mr. Vice-President: This has nothing to do with the Article under
consideration. The Honourable Member is getting into stride and five minutes
have already gone.
Shri Brajeshwar Prasad: Sir, I said at the beginning that I wanted ten
minutes and I have taken only five minutes so far. I am however entirely in
your hands.
Mr. Vice-President: I am equally in your hands.
Shri Brajeshwar Prasad: Nationalism is more dear to me than Democracy. It
is a very poor conception of democracy to say that it is very necessary to
secure approval and obtain consent at all levels of administration. Such a
notion will only lead to utter chaos and anarchy..........
Srijut Rohini Kumar Chaudhari (Assam: General): On a point of order,
Sir, I do not know under what provision you have allowed this sort of speech
being made after the amendments have been carried in the House. I have seen no
precedent where an amended resolution or amended provision of a Bill can be
allowed to come up before the House and discussion allowed. If everybody here is
allowed to write a criticism of the debate on this clause and inflict that
speech on the House there will be no end to it. There is no procedure which
allows a speech like this after the amendments have been carried out.
Mr. Vice-President: I may point out that there is a precedent for it when
Mr. Kamath spoke at the end of the second Article and there was no objection at
that time fro many quarter.
Shri Brajeshwar Prasad: The essence of democracy is that people must aspire
after higher goals of political life. Any demand of the people which does not
fulfil this essential pre-requisite is not democratic.
Mr. Vice-President: This is wasting the time of the House.
The question is:
“That Article 3, as amended, form part of the Constitution.”
Sardar Hukam Singh (East Punjab:
Sikh): The Article cannot be put to the House unless those amendments that have
been held over are decided upon.
Mr. Vice-President: They have been left, as they are not in order after the
acceptance by the House of the amendment of Dr. Ambedkar.
Shri Raj Bahadur (United State of Matsya): Sir, I invite your attention to
the fact that the Honourable Member Mr. Brajeshwar Prasad has used the words “Native
State” in respect of the Indian States. I seriously object to the use of the
word “Native” and would request you to rule out such words.
An Honourable Member: They should be expunged from the proceedings.
Mr. Vice-President: That question does not arise.
The question is:
“That Article 3, as amended, form part of the Constitution.”
The motion was adopted.
Article 4
Shri M. Ananthasayanam Ayyangar: Sir, may I suggest a point of procedure
just to avoid unnecessary waste of time. You have called out article No. 4 and
you have asked Mr. Naziruddin Ahmad to move his amendment. All members who wish
to take part in the discussion may be allowed to speak on the article also
along with the amendments, so that there need not be a repetition once again
when you put the article as a whole. If all the amendments are exhausted there
may not be any speeches again. It is open to you and there is nothing to
prevent you from giving such a ruling as this.
Mr. Vice-President: I accept your suggestion.
Mr. Naziruddin Ahmad (Bengal: Muslim): Sir, I beg to move:
“That the words `of this Constitution’ be deleted in clause (1) of article 4
and throughout the Draft Constitution wherever the said words occur in the same
context; and a new definition (bb) be inserted in clause (1)of article 303: -
(bb) “article” means article of the Constitution’.”
In the ordinary legislation of this country whenever we refer to a section we
never repeat the word “section” of this Act. So far as this Constitution is concerned
we have used the word `article’ instead of ‘section’, and the wording of the
Act is due to the fact that it is implied under the General Clauses Act. I
submit that we should apply a similar device in this Constitution by the
adoption of a new definition (bb). I have suggested in the amendment that the
words are absolutely unnecessary. Whenever we refer to an article it is obvious
that an article of this Constitution is always meant. I would point out
respectfully that in this draft Constitution, in many places, the Article number
has been given without the addition of the words ‘of this Constitution’. Even
in this very Article in one place we have these words ‘of this Constitution’
and in another place, these words are not there. We may uniformly omit these
words in all places.
Mr. Vice-President: The Honourable Member may move all his amendments to
Article 4, one after the other, up to amendment No. 181 on the Order Paper, and
be as brief as possible.
Mr. Naziruddin Ahmad : I shall be brief, Sir. But it must be noted that
this amendment of mine will dispose of no less than 68 amendments. With
reference to the Schedule we have omitted the repetition of the words ‘of this
Constitution’. Whenever you refer to the Schedule you refer to the Schedule
Number and do not say, such and such Schedule ‘of this Constitution’. This is
because of a special definition which has been provided in the Draft
Constitution itself. I draw the attention of the House to Article 303, clause
(1), item (v): ‘“Schedule” means a Schedule to this Constitution’. This is a
very necessary provision. On this analogy, ‘Article’ should also mean an
Article of this Constitution. I submit that the amendment I have suggested is
similar to item (v) of 303 (1).
Now I shall move the other amendments, 178 to 181.
I move:
“That in clause (1) of Article 4, for the words article 2 or article 3’, the
words and figures ‘article 2 or 3’ be substituted”.
I submit that the word ‘article’ need not be repeated as it is done in clause
(1) and, in fact in many places in this Draft Constitution.
Then I move:
“That in clause (1) of article 4, for the words and figures ‘article 2 or
article 3’, the word and figure ‘article 3’ be substituted.”
I move next:
“That in clause (1) of article 4, for the words `shall contain such provision
for’, the words `shall also provide for’ be substituted.”
This is a very simple amendment.
I now move my last amendment to this article:
“That in clause (2) of article 4, for the words `for the purposes of’, the
words `within the meaning of’ be substituted.”
This is only a verbal amendment.
Mr. Vice-President: The
subsequent amendments may now be moved one after the other. Amendment No. 182
in the name of Prof. Shibbanlal Saksena is the next in order. Though it is for
the deletion of clause (2) and hence cannot be allowed, I would give him an
opportunity to speak on this Article.
Discussion will henceforth be on the concerned Article as a whole.
Prof. Shibban Lal Saksena: I am not moving 182 for the omission of clause
Mahboob Ali Baig Sahib Bahadur (Madras: Muslim): Sir, I move amendment No.
“That in clause (2) of article 4, for the words `for the purposes of article
304’, the words `under article 304’ be substituted.”
The retention of the existing words will lead to some sort of complication.
Therefore we should substitute the words `under article 304.’
Shri H. V. Kamath : Mr. Vice-President, by your leave, I shall make a very
brief observation on amendment No. 177 of my Honourable friend Mr. Naziruddin
Ahmad. Before you call upon Dr. Ambedkar to reply, may I request him, in case
he holds that amendment No. 177 should be rejected, to give us some reasons for
his opposition and not merely repeat the trite formula `I oppose this amendment’?
Because, apart from the arguments advanced by my friend the mover of the
amendment and the instances quoted by him, I have gone through the
constitutions of the Commonwealth of Australia, the Union of South Africa, the
Swiss Confederation and the German Reich which have all been supplied to us in
a booklet of the Assembly Secretariat, called Constitutional Precedents -
Second Series. I have gone through them all very closely and I find that this
sort of repetition of the phrase “of this Constitution” does not find a place
in anyone of them.
After all, to my mind, brevity is the soul or essence of a Constitution, and we
should try to avoid overburdening the Constitution with redundant and
unnecessary words or phrases or expressions. I find in our draft Constitution ‘of
this Constitution’ repeated ad nauseam. I think the amendment is a
reasonable and harmless one. We should pay some attention to the language of
the articles of the Constitution. In conclusion I repeat my request to Dr.
Ambedkar not to merely repeat the formula `I oppose’, but give reasons as to
why he does so.
Shri Rohini Kumar Chaudhari : I have come to the rostrum to honour my
friend Mr. Naziruddin Ahmad by opposing this amendment. (Laughter). I
regret that he has wasted some of our time and I curse myself that I cannot
resist the temptation to oppose him and waste some time of the House also by
doing so. I would be failing in my duty if I do not record here the
appreciation which we must give to that noble band of thieves which operates in
the East Indian Railways between Howrah and Delhi. We must give our thanks to
this noble gang that is responsible for stealing only the brief-bag containing
various other answers of our friend Mr. Naziruddin and, but for that fortunate
fact, there would have thousands more of amendments of the kind we are dealing
with now. I would warn my friend Prof. Shah that this noble gang may be
operating between Bombay and Delhi as well.
Mr. Vice-President: I am afraid this has no bearing upon the matter on
Shri Rohini Kumar Choudhari: The point is that if there had been no theft
of his brief from his compartment when he was coming this time to attend the
Assembly there would have been more such amendments which could be easily left
to the draftsmen and not brought before the House. I will also say, Sir, that
in dealing with amendments from Mr. Naziruddin Ahmad, although some of them are
very good ones, because they are tabled in his name, they are often opposed without
any comment. Therefore I would request my honourable Friend, if he comes
forward with very serious amendments, to table an amendment to change his name
also, so that his amendments may be seriously considered.
Prof. Shibban Lal Saksena : Sir, I gave notice of an amendment that clause
(2) of article 4 be omitted but you have ruled it out of order. I think that an
amendment for the deletion of a clause can be moved, but your ruling is there
and I bow to it. I feel that we must bear in mind one particular aspect of
Article 4 to which I would especially wish to draw the attention of Dr.
Ambedkar. In this article Dr. Ambedkar has provided an easy method for changing
boundaries because in clause (2) he says that “no such law as aforesaid shall
be deemed to be an amendment of this Constitution for the purposes of article
304.” In article 304 it is laid down that any change in the Constitution must
be passed by a two-thirds majority, whereas here it is provided that so far as
any law referred to in article 2 or 3 of the Constitution is concerned, it
shall not be deemed to be an amendment of the Constitution. Sir, I personally
feel that changes in boundaries of States are matters of much consequence and
they should not be allowed to be carried out by a mere majority, because the
boundaries of a State should be stable and it should not be possible for every
majority in Parliament when it comes to power to alter boundaries which this
clause (2) will enable them to do. I think this is a wrong provision, but still
I think that in the first ten or twenty years it may probably be allowed. My
honourable Friend, Dr. Pattabhi Sitaramayya and others have given notice of an
amendment to that effect, but they are not moving it. I do not want to move any
amendment but I do feel that it should not be made easy for boundaries of
States to be changed by a mere majority. If we allow this clause to remain as
at present, we should at least set a time limit. This should not be made a
permanent part of the Constitution. I hope Dr. Ambedkar will say how he feels
about this very important matter.
The Honourable Dr. B. R. Ambedkar : Mr. Vice-President, Sir, I did not
think that this was a matter which required any speech from me, but as Mr.
Kamath has expressed a desire that I must not merely negative the amendment but
should offer an explanation as to why I was not prepared to accept the
amendments suggested by my honourable Friend, Mr. Naziruddin Ahmad, I have come
here to make my explanation. I think it will be agreed that in matters of this
sort, which relate merely to phraseology and not to the substance of the
article itself, it cannot be stated that it is a matter of principle at all. It
is a mere matter of precedent how different Constitutions have used language in
matters which are analogous. My submission is that in the language we have used
we are absolutely covered by precedent with regard to the question of repeating
the phrase “of this constitution”. My friend, Mr. Kamath, stated that he has
examined several constitutions such as that of Australia and of some other
countries but not find this phrase “of this Constitution” contained therein. I
am sorry that he did not extend his researches to the Irish Constitution. If he
had, he would have found that the phraseology used in the Draft Constitution is
the same as is used in the Irish Constitution. For his reference, I would like
to draw his attention to Article 19 of the Irish Constitution, article 27,
sub-clause (4), article 32 and article 46, sub-clause (5) where he will find
that, wherever the word “article” occurs, it followed by the phrase “of this
I may also point out to Mr. Kamath that in this respect we have also followed
the phraseology contained in the Government of India Act 1935. I am sorry I
have not had the time to examine all the sections of the Government of India
Act but I have just, fortunately for myself, found one section which is 142-A
where similar phraseology has been used. So far therefore as the first part of
the amendment moved by my honourable friend, Mr. Naziruddin, is concerned, my
submission is that we have not acted in any eccentric manner but that whatever
phraseology we have used is covered by the Constitutions of other countries as
With regard to his second amendment that we should not repeat the word “article”
after the word “or” and that we should merely say, “article 2 or 3”, my
submission is again the same. There again we have followed well-known
Constitutions and if my friend will examine them, he will find that similar
phraseology occurs elsewhere also. For his information, I would ask him to
refer to section 69, sub-clause (3), of the Government of India Act. The word
used there is “paragraph”. It says, “paragraph (d) or paragraph (e)”. It does
not merely say, “paragraph (d) or (e)”. Therefore this can hardly be a matter
of debate or a matter of difference of opinion so far as the principle is
concerned. It is a mere matter of precedent and the question to be asked is:
Have we done something which is not covered by precedent? And my submission is
this, that whatever we have done in the matter of using phraseology is covered
by precedent and therefore, there can be no objection to any clause as it
stands in the draft.
Mr. Naziruddin Ahmad: Then what about clause (2) of Article 4? I think
there should be a short notice amendment to use the words “of this Constitution”
in clause (2) in order to make the draft clear.
Mr. Vice-President: We cannot create a bad precedent by admitting a short
notice amendment.
The Honourable Dr. B. R. Ambedkar: I cannot accept it, Sir.
Mr. Vice-President: In that case, I shall put the amendments to vote one
by one.
Mr. Vice-President: The question is:
‘‘That the words `of this Constitution’ be deleted in clause (1) of article 4
and throughout the Draft Constitution wherever the said words occur in the same
context; and a new definition (bb) be inserted in clause (1)of article 303: -
‘(bb) “article” means article of this Constitution’;”
The motion was negatived.
Mr. Vice-President: The question is:
“That in clause (1) of article 4, for the words article 2 or article 3’, the
words and figures ‘article 2 or 3’ be substituted.”
The motion was negatived.
Mr. Vice-President: The question is:
“That in clause (1) of article 4, for the words and figures ‘article 2 or
article 3’, the words and figure ‘article 2’ be substituted.”
The motion was negatived.
Mr. Vice-President: The question is:
“That in clause (1) of article 4, for the words `shall contain such provisions
for’, the words `shall also provide for’ be substituted.”
The motion was negatived.
Mr. Vice-President: The question is:
“That in clause (2) of article 4, for the words `for the purposes of’, the
words `within the meaning of’ be substituted.”
The motion was negatived.
Mr. Vice-President: The question is:
“That in clause (2) of article 4, for the words `for the purpose of article 304’,
the words `under article 304’ be substituted.”
The motion was negatived.
Mr. Vice-President: The question is:
“That clause (1) of Article 4 stand part of the Constitution.”
The motion was adopted.
Mr. Vice-President: The question is:
“That clause (2) of Article 4 stand part of the Constitution.”
The motion was adopted.
Mr. Vice-President: That finishes Article 4. The next few amendments,
No. 185 and the following are concerned with national flag, national language,
script and so on. I understand that there is an attempt made to arrive at some
sort of understanding and I think that it would be to the interest of the House
and it will save the time of the House, if we postpone their consideration for
the present and pass on immediately to Part IV.
Seth Govind Das (C. P. & Berar: General): Mr. Vice-President, Sir,
before you proceed to take up Part IV, I want to bring it to your notice that
these new clauses deal with the national flag, the national language, script
and the name of the country and so on. I have no objection if they are held
over for future, but at the same time, I want your ruling on one point and that
is that whenever these questions are taken up in future, suppose when the
question of the language of parliament comes in Article 99, then we should be
allowed to raise the question of national language, national script and other
matters also which are included in the various amendments which are not being
moved now. Let it not be ruled out at that time because Article 99 deals only
with the language of the Parliament and similar things these amendments cannot
be moved then. Therefore, Sir, I want this to go on the record as a ruling that
in future these questions can be raised and if certain things are decided by
the House, then those articles may be inserted in the Constitution wherever it
is thought proper to be inserted. (Interruption).
The Honourable Shri K. Santhanam (Madras: General): Mr. Vice President.
Sir, on a point of procedure, I submit, it is for the Chair to regulate what
sections will be taken and in what order. Therefore, I do not think there
should be any debate on your ruling that Part IV should be taken up first. It
is not for any honourable member to choose and say where and when an article is
to be put in. However, you have asked that Part IV be taken up now and
therefore, I suggest we ought to proceed with the articles of that part,
without considering any other interpolation.
Mr. Vice-President : I am an unworthy occupier of this chair and I do
not think that anybody here need have any apprehension about these amendments
being ruled out. We are here so far as I understand it to arrive at common
understanding and to pass a Constitution that will be to the benefit of us all.
Here every opportunity, I think, should be given to every Member of the House
to place his point of view before the rest of the members and I can assure Seth
Govind Das that if I am here, I shall see that no injustice is done to any one.
Shri Damodar Swarup Seth (United Provinces: General): I wish to move
amendment No. 187 which has nothing to do with the language controversy going
on. My amendment reads like this. (The Honourable Member began to read his
Mr. Vice-President: I rule your amendment is inappropriate here. We pass on
to Part IV.
Shri R. K. Sidhwa: Before you proceed to Part IV, I have got to offer my
personal explanation. The Honourable Shri Purshottam Das Tandon level led a
charge against me when I mentioned that no important legislature has got a rule
giving the right of reply to the mover of an amendment. I have got a ruling
from the Bombay Provincial Legislative Assembly which reads:
“That mover of a motion, but not the mover of an amendment.........”
Mr. Vice-President: We are not concerned with that just now and I must
ask the honourable member to sit down.
Now, we go on to Part IV. I rule amendments 831 and 832 out of order. The first
part of amendment No. 833, I rule out of order. Mr. Mahboob Ali Baig, if you
like, you may move the second part.
Shri M. Ananthasayanam Ayyangar : Sir, I think this amendment is not in its
proper place. This amendment reads: “or alternatively. That the following
proviso be added to Article 35: - etc.” This should come in after amendment No.
Mr. Vice-President: You can bring in your objection later on.
Mahboob Ali Baig Sahib Bahadur: Sir, I will move this after amendment No.
835. May I be allowed to speak generally on Part IV, Sir?
Mr. Vice-President: No; you can speak only with reference to this
particular amendment.
Shri Lokanath Misra: Mr. Vice-President. Sir, we are not prepared to
discuss part IV. From Part I to Part IV this is a big jump. We came prepared
only for the discussion of Parts II and III. I think we should be given time
and the discussion should be adjourned.
Shri M. Ananthasayanam Ayyangar : Sir, Part IV consists of Directive
Principles. There are not very many amendments to this Part. Part II relates to
Citizenship and Part III relates to Fundamental Rights which are of a
justiciable nature. A number of amendments have been tabled to these two Parts.
To bring about agreement as to which amendments have to be moved and which need
not be moved, takes some time. So far as Part IV is concerned, it does not take
much time. They are only Directive Principles: they have been already
considered and we have spent long hours over them when we discussed these
principles. In these circumstances, I feel nobody need complain of want of
notice so far as Part IV is concerned.
Mr. Vice-President: Did you get the lists of amendments?
Honourable Members: Yes.
Shri Amiyo Kumar Ghosh (Bihar: General): Sir, the general practice is
that discussion proceeds seriatim but instead we are now jumping from
Part I to Part IV. We have several amendments to Parts II and III. We are
prepared to move them but we are not prepared with the amendments to Part IV.
We are taken aback and that is our difficulty. We have several amendments to
Part IV.
Mr. Vice-President: You will agree that we should expedite the business of
the House.
Shri Amiyo Kumar Ghosh: But there is a method, Sir.
Mr. Vice-President: You will also agree that it is in the interests of the
House that before we come here those who have sent in amendments have an
opportunity of discussing them with the members of the Drafting Committee and
arriving at some kind of understanding. This is in the larger interests of the
House and with the idea of saving the time of the House. These are the factors
which have induced me to give further time for the consideration of Parts II
and III. I believe, on the whole I have the support of the House.
Shri Amiyo Kumar Ghosh: May I request you, Sir, to adjourn the House now
and again sit after the recess. It is about twelve o’clock; we may sit again at
three o’clock.
Mr. Vice-President: I shall consider that.
Kazi Syed Karimuddin (C. P. & Berar: Muslim): Sir, that we are going to
discuss Part IV should have been intimated to the members yesterday. We have
not even brought the amendments to be moved to Part IV. We are taken unawares.
It is very difficult for us to move the amendments, because we are not prepared
with the amendments. It would be unfair for those of us who are not ready, Sir.
Shri M. Ananthasayanam Ayyangar: Sir, it is strange that Mr. Karimuddin
should have raised a complaint like this. Every member is generally ready with
his amendments.
B. Pocker Sahib Bahadur (Madras: Muslim): Sir, it is very unfair on the
part of Mr. Ananthasayanam Ayyangar to say that each and every member should be
ready with his amendments to any of the 300 or 400 Articles of this
Constitution. It is impossible for anybody to be so, Sir. I submit, Sir, it is
unfair to pass over these important Parts and go to a Part which many of us did
not expect at all would be taken up. It is only proper that we go in order, or
this House should be adjourned till such time as is convenient. (Interruptions).
Shri Lokanath Misra : Sir, so much is happening behind the scenes that we
are not only puzzled, we cannot even run the race. This is unworthy of us. On
banded knees, I would ask you to save us from such situation and help us to
undertake our task with regularity and proper direction. If such things are to
happen and things go on behind us, kindly us to get out and then let things go
on as they like. I would but request you, Sir, to give us time to prepare and
think about these amendments. We should be in a position to do justice to our
constituents, to the great goal and to ourselves and to this august House.
Shri Mahavir Tyagi (United Provinces: General): Sir, may I request the
party leaders and the Whips of the majority party to be considerate and take a
charitable view? I understand that it is rather unfortunate and unfair that for
the failure of the Congress Party to decide issues among themselves, they
should force the whole House to accommodate them in this manner. I feel that
either the House should be adjourned or some such business be taken up as the
members are prepared to discuss.
Mr. Vice-President: If the majority of members are unable to proceed with
the business of the House, I am fully prepared to adjourn the House now. We may
meet tomorrow at Ten of the Clock.
Honourable Members: Yes.
Mr. Vice-President: The House stands adjourned till 10 a.m. tomorrow.
B. Pocker Sahib Bahadur: May I know, Sir, what Part will be considered.
Mr. Vice-President: We shall deal with Part IV first tomorrow. If there is
time, we will proceed further.
The Assembly then adjourned till Ten of the Clock on Friday, the 19th November
*[Translation of Hindustani speech ]*
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